60th Birthday Bash
was held on
Friday June 7, 2019
at Gabriel's Restaurant in Mississauga

An intimate affair  (35 party goers) giving all in attendance a chance to mingle and talk to everyone. Thanks to all who came out to celebrate with fellow '78 MPSJ grads. Everyone seemed to enjoy and that's what it's all  about!

Whether you were at the birthday bash or not,  a very Happy 60th Birthday to  all fellow '78 grads this year.

Best wishes and cheers to many more!

Holy %#@*! we're turning 60 Birthday Bash
Holy %#@*! we're turning 60 Birthday Bash
Cathy Megaffin, Mary DiFonzo, Rita Gallagher
Cathy Megaffin, Mary DiFonzo, Rita Gallagher
Pat Egan, Bonnie Sawarna, Steve Kotyck and Rob Ablamowicz
Pat Egan, Bonnie Sawarna, Steve Kotyck and Rob Ablamowicz
Pat Egan, Gerry Simone, Rob McKenzie and Tony Murgel
Pat Egan, Gerry Simone, Rob McKenzie and Tony Murgel
Mary Ann Adamick, Sarah Swift, Anne Marie Castellarin, Paula Platner and Rita Gallagher
Mary Ann Adamick, Sarah Swift, Anne Marie Castellarin, Paula Platner and Rita Gallagher
Diane Biscotti and Rosie DeCaria
Diane Biscotti and Rosie DeCaria
Carmen Cachia, Frank McGrath, Mirella Boscariol and Sandra Boscariol
Carmen Cachia, Frank McGrath, Mirella Boscariol and Sandra Boscariol
Leslie Corrigan and Brian Anderson
Leslie Corrigan and Brian Anderson
Bar flowers
Bar flowers
Kevin Phillips, Frank Kosec and Gerry Simone
Kevin Phillips, Frank Kosec and Gerry Simone
Anne Marie Castellarin, Sarah Swift, Mary Ann Adamick and Scott McNally
Anne Marie Castellarin, Sarah Swift, Mary Ann Adamick and Scott McNally
Carmen Cachia, Rosie DeCaria and Mary DiFonzo
Carmen Cachia, Rosie DeCaria and Mary DiFonzo
Who belongs to those????
Who belongs to those????
Joanna Opalinski and Cheryl Dunham
Joanna Opalinski and Cheryl Dunham
Vickie McNally and Jeff Hudson
Vickie McNally and Jeff Hudson
Pat Egan, Gerry Simone, Steve Kotyck, Leslie Corrigan, Rob McKenzie and Tony Murgel
Pat Egan, Gerry Simone, Steve Kotyck, Leslie Corrigan, Rob McKenzie and Tony Murgel
Brian Anderson, Jeff Hudson and Frank McGrath
Brian Anderson, Jeff Hudson and Frank McGrath
Kevin Phillips, Bonnie Sawarna, Frank Kosec and Gerry Simone
Kevin Phillips, Bonnie Sawarna, Frank Kosec and Gerry Simone
Vickie and Scott McNally with Frank McGrath...Mmm Mmm good!
Vickie and Scott McNally with Frank McGrath...Mmm Mmm good!
Majda Senicar, Frank Kosec and Paula Platner
Majda Senicar, Frank Kosec and Paula Platner
Diane Biscotti and Cathy Megaffin
Diane Biscotti and Cathy Megaffin
Kevin Phillips, Frank Kosec, Gord Ross and Pat Kehoe
Kevin Phillips, Frank Kosec, Gord Ross and Pat Kehoe
Rosie DeCaria,Carmen Cachia, Mary DiFonzo and Majda Senicar
Rosie DeCaria,Carmen Cachia, Mary DiFonzo and Majda Senicar
Happy Birthday to us!
Frank McGrath and Scott McNally
Happy Birthday to us! Frank McGrath and Scott McNally

Partiers for the evening

Scott McNally * Vickie McNally * Sarah Swift (Davies) * Joanna Opalinski
Frank McGrath * Diane Biscotti (Ross) * Gord Ross * Carmen Cachia * Pat Egan
Mirella Boscariol (DiFranco) * Sandra Boscariol (Clydesdale) * Kevin Phillips
Patrick Kehoe * Steve Kotyck * Anne Marie Castellarin (Blanche) * Frank Kosec
Mary Ann Adamick (Stewart) * Rita Gallagher (Napier) * Gerry Simone
Cathy Megaffin (Walker) * Rob McKenzie * Cheryl Dunham 
Bonnie Sawarna (Crombie) * Brian Anderson * Mary DiFonzo (Adair) 
Rosemary DeCaria (Oddi) * Paula Platner (Petersen) * Majda Senicar (Krosel)
Rob Ablamowicz * Jeff Hudson * Leslie Corrigan (Hudson)