30th Reunion pics 1
Saturday September 6, 2008
"Thirty years later"
Welcome to
Welcome to "A Night To Remember"

"A Night to Remember" the 30 year reunion of the 1978 graduating class of Michael Power and St. Joseph's High School is now a memory itself.

What I had envisioned when the seed was planted a year ago and what I watched unfold on Saturday September 6, 2008 was extremely gratifying and well worth the time and effort.

To see so many hand shakes and hugs between old friends and classmates, hear conversations of the old days, the sound of heartfelt laughter and observe peoples reactions when they recognized fellow grads was all the thanks that I needed.

A loving thank you to my husband Jeff who supported me in what seemed like a crazy idea from beginning to end and was a great help. To our two daughters Lauren and Lindsay who wore the original St. Joe's uniforms and manned the registration table that evening a loving thank you as well. Looking at the two of you brought back a flood of good memories.

Thank you to all the "78 grads from near and far for attending and making "A Night to Remember" such a huge success and memorable evening for everyone.

To those unable to be a part of the celebration, enjoy the photos from the evening and know that you were missed.

Cheers to those no longer with us, rekindled friendships and new memories.

Your fellow classmate, fellow graduate and friend



An awesome gathering of amazing people.....the 1978 graduating class of Michael Power and St. Joseph's High School. The schools themselves may be long gone but the spirit certainly lives on!

Final attendance number for the evening was 196.
Final take at the two cash bars........let's just say that I wish that I got a percentage that night. After 30 years.....some things never change!

These photos have come from a number of people who attended
"A Night To Remember" on
Saturday September 6, 2008.


Hosts for the evening: Jeff, Lauren, Lindsay and Leslie (Corrigan) Hudson
Hosts for the evening: Jeff, Lauren, Lindsay and Leslie (Corrigan) Hudson
Lauren and Lindsy model the old uniform. Behind them are more original high school fashions.
Lauren and Lindsy model the old uniform. Behind them are more original high school fashions.
A 9' x 12' rear projection screen played a custom designed retrospective of our high school days throughout the evening
A 9' x 12' rear projection screen played a custom designed retrospective of our high school days throughout the evening
1978 was a very good year!
1978 was a very good year!
Mary DiFonzo, Rosie DeCaria, Majda Senicar
Mary DiFonzo, Rosie DeCaria, Majda Senicar
Ernie Longo, Sean Croake, Frank Baladanza, David Spagnolo
Ernie Longo, Sean Croake, Frank Baladanza, David Spagnolo
Martha Potocnik, Mike Timlin, Matt Scinocca
Martha Potocnik, Mike Timlin, Matt Scinocca
Tim Kastelic, Mike Kingdon, Greg Furgala
Tim Kastelic, Mike Kingdon, Greg Furgala
A busy bar.That's Mark Drury's back and I'm sure his hands aren't empty!
A busy bar.That's Mark Drury's back and I'm sure his hands aren't empty!
Mary McDowell,David Hughes, Francine Pawlowicz
Mary McDowell,David Hughes, Francine Pawlowicz
Cathy Miller, Keire Timson, Sean Croake
Cathy Miller, Keire Timson, Sean Croake
Debbie Liiv, Debbie Ellis, Mary Beth Mathe
Debbie Liiv, Debbie Ellis, Mary Beth Mathe
Mike Weymes (front left), Debbie Antonacci (back), Mike Smith
Mike Weymes (front left), Debbie Antonacci (back), Mike Smith
Leslie Corrigan, Lou Battista
Leslie Corrigan, Lou Battista
-----, George Franciscus, Lyne Vinet, Mike Weymes
-----, George Franciscus, Lyne Vinet, Mike Weymes
Peter Wuebbolt, Lucy Campese, Sam Campese
Peter Wuebbolt, Lucy Campese, Sam Campese
Denis Gubert, Mike Machacek, Harry McAvoy, Paul Smith
Denis Gubert, Mike Machacek, Harry McAvoy, Paul Smith
Chris Bannon, Steve Brioux
Chris Bannon, Steve Brioux
Peter Carey, Rudy Zilavec, Theresa Zilavec
Peter Carey, Rudy Zilavec, Theresa Zilavec
Sue Slattery, Cathy Megaffin
Sue Slattery, Cathy Megaffin
Bob Mulligan, Marie Pillo, Joe Doran, Carmen Cachia
Bob Mulligan, Marie Pillo, Joe Doran, Carmen Cachia
Elinor Orsini,Julie Bates
Elinor Orsini,Julie Bates
Frank Kosec, Fr. Vetere, Jamie Matera, Tim Kastelic
Frank Kosec, Fr. Vetere, Jamie Matera, Tim Kastelic
Maureen Tolan, Kevin Shanahan
Maureen Tolan, Kevin Shanahan
Patrick Egan, Randy Wilson, Nick DeJulio
Patrick Egan, Randy Wilson, Nick DeJulio
Cathy Emond, Gerry Whelan, Cathy Benac, Kevin Dwyer, Joe Adamick
Cathy Emond, Gerry Whelan, Cathy Benac, Kevin Dwyer, Joe Adamick
Valerie Agnelli, Mary DiFonzo
Valerie Agnelli, Mary DiFonzo
Kathy and Karen Rosenitsch
Kathy and Karen Rosenitsch
Pat Grace, Marg Riley, Ernie Longo
Pat Grace, Marg Riley, Ernie Longo
Patty DeMonte, Bonnie Sawarna, Diane Biscotti
Patty DeMonte, Bonnie Sawarna, Diane Biscotti
Doreen Blatnik, Bob Cawston
Doreen Blatnik, Bob Cawston
Kevin Phillips
Kevin Phillips
Mirella and Sandra Boscariol
Mirella and Sandra Boscariol
Susan Slattery, Cindie Mainelli, Cathy Megaffin, Janice Ward
Susan Slattery, Cindie Mainelli, Cathy Megaffin, Janice Ward
Barb Menary, Leslie Corrigan, Eunice Moore, Dena Vander doelen
Barb Menary, Leslie Corrigan, Eunice Moore, Dena Vander doelen
Mike Smith, Matt Scinocca, David Spagnolo
Mike Smith, Matt Scinocca, David Spagnolo
Bill Gilkinson, Theresa Zilavec, Rudy Zilavec
Bill Gilkinson, Theresa Zilavec, Rudy Zilavec
Debbie Luzar, Randy Wilson, Vic Urbanowicz
Debbie Luzar, Randy Wilson, Vic Urbanowicz
Debbie Liiv, Debbie Antonacci
Debbie Liiv, Debbie Antonacci
Shelley McGrann, Pete McGrann, Mary DiFonzo, Valerie Agnelli
Shelley McGrann, Pete McGrann, Mary DiFonzo, Valerie Agnelli
Kevin Phillips and Leslie Corrigan
Kevin Phillips and Leslie Corrigan
Kevin and Leslie
Kevin and Leslie
Elinor Orsini, Cecilia DeMonte
Elinor Orsini, Cecilia DeMonte